Our New Weather Product — Hourly forecast!
The OpenWeather team is pleased to present you our new product, Hourly forecast.
This is the accurate and detailed forecast with more advanced features in comparison with our 5-days forecast with 3-hour steps:
- Higher geographic accuracy. The hourly forecast uses a model grid with 0.25 degrees step when for a 5-days forecast we use a grid with 0.6 degrees step.
- More detailed forecast. For the upcoming 4 days (96 hours) you get forecast data for each hour means we provide you with data for 96 timestamps when for the 5-days forecast you get data for 40 timestamps.
This new API has the same syntax and weather parameters as 5-days forecast with main features such as possible to get data in JSON and XML formats; searching weather forecast by city name, by city ID, by geographic coordinates, by ZIP code; temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units.
Detailed description of this API with the list of weather parameters and examples of API requests can be found here .
After that, the Hourly forecast will be available for Developer, Professional and Enterprise accounts. More information in our price.
Please, contact us at info@openweathermap.org for any questions.